Caros alunos,
dentro em breve colocarei as notas finais do ano letivo para que vocês possam conferir os seus resultados e saberem se ficaram de Estudos Orientados!
No mais tardar segunda-feira à noite poderão conferir!!!
quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009
sábado, 21 de novembro de 2009
Computador na educação
sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009
Festa da Escola

Caros alunos, neste fim de semana a nossa escola estará realizando a festa, todos vocês estão convidados a participar e ajudar, pois a escola não faz a festa simplismente por fazer, e sim para comprar materiais necessários para o desenvolvimento pedagógico da instituição.
Espero a presença de todos.
A nossa festa se realizará nos dias 30 e 31 de Outubro de 2009. Lá terá danças dos alunos da professora Sandra (Educação Física), banda ao vivo, além de comidas típicas e muita diversão!!!
Não percam!
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009
Avaliação 3º anos A e B
Escola Estadual “D. Rita Amélia de Carvalho”
Avaliação de Língua Inglesa
Nome:_______________Nº: ____ Série: ___ Data: __/__/___
Valor: 10,0 Nota: _____________
1- Faça perguntas para as respostas abaixo, usando How many ou how much:
a) How many cars did she buy last year? She bought Five cars last year.
b) How much tea did you drink in her house? We drank a lot of tea in her house.
c) How many vegetable do they eat ? They eat a lot of vegetable every day.
d) How much ham did you use in the pizza? I used a lot of ham in the pizza.
e) How much sugar did he buy? He didn’t buy any sugar.
2- Escreva C para palavras contáveis e I para Incontáveis:
Pear C Bread I
Juice I People C
Milk I Watermelon C
Sugar I Cheese I
apple C Ham I
3- Circule a resposta correta:
a) There is ( a little) sugar at home.
b) They are going to buy ( many) tomatos.
c) Is there ( a few ) students here.
d) She used ( a little) butter in her bread.
e) We made ( much) mayonnaise for the party.
4- De o significado de:
a) Go away Ir embora
b) Go up Subir
c) Go by Passar
d) Go on Continuar
e) Go down Descer
5- Escreva os quantificadores para as frases abaixo,todas as possibilidades :
a) Let’s buy ______ cheese. much, a lot of, a little.
b) She has _______relatives in Brazil. many, a lot of, a few.
c) We talked to _____ people in the USA. many, a lot of, a few.
d) There is ____ gold in the bank. much, a lot of, a little.
e) He bought ____ bread for the party. much, a lot of, a little.
Good Luck!!!
Avaliação de Língua Inglesa
Nome:_______________Nº: ____ Série: ___ Data: __/__/___
Valor: 10,0 Nota: _____________
1- Faça perguntas para as respostas abaixo, usando How many ou how much:
a) How many cars did she buy last year? She bought Five cars last year.
b) How much tea did you drink in her house? We drank a lot of tea in her house.
c) How many vegetable do they eat ? They eat a lot of vegetable every day.
d) How much ham did you use in the pizza? I used a lot of ham in the pizza.
e) How much sugar did he buy? He didn’t buy any sugar.
2- Escreva C para palavras contáveis e I para Incontáveis:
Pear C Bread I
Juice I People C
Milk I Watermelon C
Sugar I Cheese I
apple C Ham I
3- Circule a resposta correta:
a) There is ( a little) sugar at home.
b) They are going to buy ( many) tomatos.
c) Is there ( a few ) students here.
d) She used ( a little) butter in her bread.
e) We made ( much) mayonnaise for the party.
4- De o significado de:
a) Go away Ir embora
b) Go up Subir
c) Go by Passar
d) Go on Continuar
e) Go down Descer
5- Escreva os quantificadores para as frases abaixo,todas as possibilidades :
a) Let’s buy ______ cheese. much, a lot of, a little.
b) She has _______relatives in Brazil. many, a lot of, a few.
c) We talked to _____ people in the USA. many, a lot of, a few.
d) There is ____ gold in the bank. much, a lot of, a little.
e) He bought ____ bread for the party. much, a lot of, a little.
Good Luck!!!
sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2009
Eating habits

I don’t have a lot of time in between classes this semester, so for lunch I will typically grab something quick to eat, like a slice of pizza. Or a sandwich, either turkey or bacon with lettuce and tomatoes. Despite the junk food at lunch time, I try to keep healthy by having another piece of fruit or a granola bar for a snack in the middle of the afternoon.
Dinner is my favorite meal, and it’s usually when I eat the most. I love pasta, so I’ll often have ravioli or lasagna. Once in a while I will eat chicken with a side of potatoes or spinach. I always have ice-cream after dinner. Chocolate or vanilla, these are my favorites.
quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009
domingo, 12 de julho de 2009
Respostas do Trabalho 3º A e B
Exercício A
1- 0,5
01 E
02 D
03 A
04 C
05 B
06 A
07 D
08 B
2- B 0,5
3- E 0,5
Exercício B
1- O tempo verbal é o simple present tense e, neste caso, expressa uma verdade, um fato. 0,16
2- a) O verbo should indicará um conselho, portanto dará idéia que o meio ambiente deveria ser preservado. 0,08
b) O verbo must, neste caso, terá o sentido de obrigação, portanto indicará a obrigação de todos preservarem. 0,08
3 - And there are many things to do. ou There are a lot of things to do.0,16
4- Biodiversity is the sum of all species on the planet.0,16
5- Everybody needs to help in the protection of the planet.0,16
6- To avoid acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and the death of species, rivers, lakes and seas.0,16
1- 0,5
01 E
02 D
03 A
04 C
05 B
06 A
07 D
08 B
2- B 0,5
3- E 0,5
Exercício B
1- O tempo verbal é o simple present tense e, neste caso, expressa uma verdade, um fato. 0,16
2- a) O verbo should indicará um conselho, portanto dará idéia que o meio ambiente deveria ser preservado. 0,08
b) O verbo must, neste caso, terá o sentido de obrigação, portanto indicará a obrigação de todos preservarem. 0,08
3 - And there are many things to do. ou There are a lot of things to do.0,16
4- Biodiversity is the sum of all species on the planet.0,16
5- Everybody needs to help in the protection of the planet.0,16
6- To avoid acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and the death of species, rivers, lakes and seas.0,16
sábado, 11 de julho de 2009
Good-bye Michael Jackson

Entertainer Michael Jackson died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday having suffered cardiac arrest, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner's office.
Paramedics took Jackson, 50, from his west Los Angeles home Thursday afternoon to UCLA Medical Center, where a team of physicians attempted to resuscitate him for more than an hour, said brother Jermaine Jackson. He said the famed singer was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m. PT.
An autopsy is scheduled Friday, he said. Results are expected Friday afternoon, according to Lt. Fred Corral of the Los Angeles coroner's office, who also said Jackson was unresponsive when he arrived at the hospital.
Fire Capt. Steve Ruda told CNN paramedics were sent to a west Los Angeles, California, residence after a 911 call came in at 12:21 p.m.
An autopsy is scheduled Friday, he said. Results are expected Friday afternoon, according to Lt. Fred Corral of the Los Angeles coroner's office, who also said Jackson was unresponsive when he arrived at the hospital.
Fire Capt. Steve Ruda told CNN paramedics were sent to a west Los Angeles, California, residence after a 911 call came in at 12:21 p.m.
quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009
Eating to Fuel Exercise

No matter what kind of exercise you do – whether it’s a run, gym workout or bike ride – you need food and water to fuel the effort and help you recover.
But what’s the best time to eat before and after exercise? Should we sip water or gulp it during a workout? For answers, I spoke with Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a certified specialist in sports dietetics. She’s also the author of a new book, “Sports Nutrition for Coaches” (Human Kinetics Publishers, July 2009). Here’s our conversation.
How important is the timing and type of food and fluid when it comes to exercise?
I take the approach of thinking of food as part of your equipment. People are not going to run well with one running shoe or ride with a flat tire on their bike. Your food is just like your running shoes or your skis. It really is the inner equipment. If you think of it this way, you usually have a better outcome when you’re physically active.
What’s the most common mistake you see new exercisers make when it comes to food?
There are two common mistakes. Often somebody is not having anything before exercise, and then the problem is you’re not putting fuel into your body. You’ll be more tired and weaker, and you’re not going to be as fast.
Coaching, tips and inspiration to get you race-ready.
The second issue is someone eats too much. They don’t want to have a problem, so they load up with food, and then their stomach is too full. It’s really a fine line for getting it right.
At what point before exercise should we be eating?
I like it to be an hour before exercise. We’re just talking about a fist-sized amount of food. That gives the body enough food to be available as an energy source but not so much that you’ll have an upset stomach. So if you’re going to exercise at 3 p.m., you need to start thinking about it at 2 p.m.
What about water? How much should we be drinking?
About an hour before the workout you should have about 20 ounces of liquid. It takes about 60 minutes for that much liquid to leave the stomach and make its way into the muscle. If you have liquid ahead of time, you’ll be better hydrated when you start to be physically active.
Can you explain more about what you mean by a “fist-size” of food?
That’s just a good visual for the amount. It could be something along the lines of a granola bar. I’m not a fan of the low carb bars. You need carbs as an energy source. We can’t really just do a protein bar. You want something in the 150 to 200 calorie range. That’s not enormous. Maybe a peanut butter and jelly wrap cut into little pieces, a fist-sized amount of trail mix. The goal is to put some carbohydrate in the body before exercise as well as a little bit of protein.
What if I’m planning a long run or bike ride that’s going to keep me out for a few hours? Should I eat more?
If we put too much food in the stomach in advance of exercise, it takes too long to empty and that defeats the purpose. We want something that will empty fairly quickly. If you’re exercising in excess of one hour, then you need to fuel during the exercise. For workouts lasting more than an hour, aim for about 30 to 60 grams of carbs per hour. We’re not going to be camels here. Some people use gels, honey or even sugar cubes or a sports drink.
Does the timing of your food after you’re finished exercising make any difference?
Post exercise, my rule of thumb, I like for people to eat something within 15 minutes. The reason for that is that the enzymes that help the body re-synthesize muscle glycogen are really most active in that first 15 minutes. The longer we wait to eat something, the longer it takes to recover.
If people are really embarking on an exercise program and want to prevent that delayed-onset muscle soreness, refueling is part of it. Again, it’s a small amount – a fist-sized quantity. Low-fat chocolate milk works very well. The goal is not a post-exercise meal. It’s really a post-exercise appetizer to help the body recover as quickly as it can. You can do trail mix, or make a peanut butter sandwich. Eat half before and half after.
Why is it that peanut butter sandwiches come up so often as good fuel for exercise?
It’s about having carbohydrate with some protein. It’s inexpensive and nonperishable. That’s a big deal for people, depending on the time of day and year. They’re exercising and they don’t want something that will spoil. Peanut butter is an easy thing to keep around.
What do we need to know about replenishing fluids as we exercise?
Everybody has a different sweat rate, so there isn’t one amount of liquid that someone is going to need while they exercise. Most people consume about 8 ounces per hour – that’s insufficient across the board. Your needs can range from 14 ounces to 40 ounces per hour depending on your sweat rate. Those people who are copious sweaters need to make an effort to get more fluid in while they exercise. I’m a runner, and I can’t depend on water fountains, so either someone is carrying water or you bring money. Store keepers always love that when you give them sweaty bills!
But nobody can be a camel. If you aren’t taking fluid in you have a risk of heat injury and joint injury, and strength, speed and stamina diminish. This is an important part of any training. Put fluid back into the body during exercise.
Should we keep sipping fluids while we’re exercising?
How we drink can make a difference in how optimally we hydrate our body. A lot of people sip liquids, but gulping is better. Gulps of fluid leave the stomach more rapidly. It’s important to do this. It seems counterintuitive, it seems like gulping would cause a cramp. People are more likely to have stomach cramps sipping because fluid stays in their gut too long.
It’s very similar to an hour glass — the sand flows faster when there is more in the top of the glass, and the rate of emptying slows when there is less. When you take more fluid in, gulps as opposed to sips, you have a greater volume of fluid in the stomach. That stimulates the activity of the stretch receptors in the stomach, which then increase intra-gastric pressure and promote faster emptying. This is why gulping is preferred.
Do you have any recommendations about the frequency of meals for people who exercise regularly?
If you have breakfast, lunch and dinner and a pre- and post-exercise snack, that’s at least five times a day of eating. When people are physically active, anything under three meals a day is not going to be enough.
But what’s the best time to eat before and after exercise? Should we sip water or gulp it during a workout? For answers, I spoke with Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a certified specialist in sports dietetics. She’s also the author of a new book, “Sports Nutrition for Coaches” (Human Kinetics Publishers, July 2009). Here’s our conversation.
How important is the timing and type of food and fluid when it comes to exercise?
I take the approach of thinking of food as part of your equipment. People are not going to run well with one running shoe or ride with a flat tire on their bike. Your food is just like your running shoes or your skis. It really is the inner equipment. If you think of it this way, you usually have a better outcome when you’re physically active.
What’s the most common mistake you see new exercisers make when it comes to food?
There are two common mistakes. Often somebody is not having anything before exercise, and then the problem is you’re not putting fuel into your body. You’ll be more tired and weaker, and you’re not going to be as fast.
Coaching, tips and inspiration to get you race-ready.
The second issue is someone eats too much. They don’t want to have a problem, so they load up with food, and then their stomach is too full. It’s really a fine line for getting it right.
At what point before exercise should we be eating?
I like it to be an hour before exercise. We’re just talking about a fist-sized amount of food. That gives the body enough food to be available as an energy source but not so much that you’ll have an upset stomach. So if you’re going to exercise at 3 p.m., you need to start thinking about it at 2 p.m.
What about water? How much should we be drinking?
About an hour before the workout you should have about 20 ounces of liquid. It takes about 60 minutes for that much liquid to leave the stomach and make its way into the muscle. If you have liquid ahead of time, you’ll be better hydrated when you start to be physically active.
Can you explain more about what you mean by a “fist-size” of food?
That’s just a good visual for the amount. It could be something along the lines of a granola bar. I’m not a fan of the low carb bars. You need carbs as an energy source. We can’t really just do a protein bar. You want something in the 150 to 200 calorie range. That’s not enormous. Maybe a peanut butter and jelly wrap cut into little pieces, a fist-sized amount of trail mix. The goal is to put some carbohydrate in the body before exercise as well as a little bit of protein.
What if I’m planning a long run or bike ride that’s going to keep me out for a few hours? Should I eat more?
If we put too much food in the stomach in advance of exercise, it takes too long to empty and that defeats the purpose. We want something that will empty fairly quickly. If you’re exercising in excess of one hour, then you need to fuel during the exercise. For workouts lasting more than an hour, aim for about 30 to 60 grams of carbs per hour. We’re not going to be camels here. Some people use gels, honey or even sugar cubes or a sports drink.
Does the timing of your food after you’re finished exercising make any difference?
Post exercise, my rule of thumb, I like for people to eat something within 15 minutes. The reason for that is that the enzymes that help the body re-synthesize muscle glycogen are really most active in that first 15 minutes. The longer we wait to eat something, the longer it takes to recover.
If people are really embarking on an exercise program and want to prevent that delayed-onset muscle soreness, refueling is part of it. Again, it’s a small amount – a fist-sized quantity. Low-fat chocolate milk works very well. The goal is not a post-exercise meal. It’s really a post-exercise appetizer to help the body recover as quickly as it can. You can do trail mix, or make a peanut butter sandwich. Eat half before and half after.
Why is it that peanut butter sandwiches come up so often as good fuel for exercise?
It’s about having carbohydrate with some protein. It’s inexpensive and nonperishable. That’s a big deal for people, depending on the time of day and year. They’re exercising and they don’t want something that will spoil. Peanut butter is an easy thing to keep around.
What do we need to know about replenishing fluids as we exercise?
Everybody has a different sweat rate, so there isn’t one amount of liquid that someone is going to need while they exercise. Most people consume about 8 ounces per hour – that’s insufficient across the board. Your needs can range from 14 ounces to 40 ounces per hour depending on your sweat rate. Those people who are copious sweaters need to make an effort to get more fluid in while they exercise. I’m a runner, and I can’t depend on water fountains, so either someone is carrying water or you bring money. Store keepers always love that when you give them sweaty bills!
But nobody can be a camel. If you aren’t taking fluid in you have a risk of heat injury and joint injury, and strength, speed and stamina diminish. This is an important part of any training. Put fluid back into the body during exercise.
Should we keep sipping fluids while we’re exercising?
How we drink can make a difference in how optimally we hydrate our body. A lot of people sip liquids, but gulping is better. Gulps of fluid leave the stomach more rapidly. It’s important to do this. It seems counterintuitive, it seems like gulping would cause a cramp. People are more likely to have stomach cramps sipping because fluid stays in their gut too long.
It’s very similar to an hour glass — the sand flows faster when there is more in the top of the glass, and the rate of emptying slows when there is less. When you take more fluid in, gulps as opposed to sips, you have a greater volume of fluid in the stomach. That stimulates the activity of the stretch receptors in the stomach, which then increase intra-gastric pressure and promote faster emptying. This is why gulping is preferred.
Do you have any recommendations about the frequency of meals for people who exercise regularly?
If you have breakfast, lunch and dinner and a pre- and post-exercise snack, that’s at least five times a day of eating. When people are physically active, anything under three meals a day is not going to be enough.
O inglês como ele é: Likes and Dislikes, parte 1
Se você é como a maioria das pessoas que aprendem inglês, quando quer expressar que gosta de alguma coisa diz I like it ou, se gosta muito, I love it. Quando não gosta de algo, é I don't like it ou, para ser categórico, I hate it. Gostar e não gostar são expressões importantes em qualquer língua; afinal, quantas vezes por dia comunicamos o quanto gostamos ou não de alguma coisa?Clique aqui...
domingo, 21 de junho de 2009
Aprendendo inglês com música
A música é uma forma de se aprender o inglês,pois podemos ouvir um falante nativo e sua dicção e nos divertirmos com a canção. Uma boa canção não depende só de ritmo, mas também de letra.
Esta canção se chama Baby can I hold you da cantora Tracy Chapman e foi tema da novela Vale tudo. Divirta-se!!!
sábado, 20 de junho de 2009
quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009
Obrigado por votarem no meu blog. Gostaria qua vocês me dessem dicas de como melhorar o mesmo, pois ele tem o objetivo de interagir com meus alunos, estimulnado-os a estudarem, tendo em vista que a Língua Inglesa é a mais falada no mundo e a mais usada para viagens e negócios!
quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009
Gabarito das avaliações 2º Bimestre 3º anos
"Avaliação 1"
Escola Estadual “Dona Rita Amélia de Carvalho”
Avaliação de Língua Inglesa
Nome: __________________Nº: ____ Série: 3º __ Data: _________
1- Identifique a função do pronome reflexivo:
a) I myself fix the door. Enfatizar
b) She went to the movies by herself. Sozinho
c) Mary herself cleaned the house. Enfatizar
d) They are going to hurt themselves. Refletir
e) It won’t take place by itself. Sozinho
2- Complete as frases com some, any :
a) She bought some candies at the supermarket.
b) Did you eat some/any fruit at the lunch?
c) Are you going to buy some/any oranges for breakfast?
d) He isn’t visit any relatives in Paris.
e) There isn’t any money at the bank.
3- Escreva as frases abaixo na forma afirmativa:
a) She wouldn’t travel to Miami. She would travel to Miami.
b) Would they like to eat some fruit? They would like to eat some fruit.
c) I wouldn’t play cards with them. I would play cards with them.
d) It wouldn’t rain in October. It would rain in October.
e) Would you go to the movies with Jane? You would go to the movies with Jane.
4- Responda as Questões abaixo usando os derivados de some no:
a) Was there anybody at the party? No, there was nobody at the party.
b) Did you do anything on the holiday? Yes, I did something on the holiday.
c) Are you going anywhere on vacation? Yes, I am going somewhere on vacation.
d) Are there anything to eat? No, there are nothig to eat.
e) Is Lucy doing anything right now? No, She is doing nothig right now.
5- Relacione as colunas :
a) Somewhere ( C ) alguém
b) Anything ( A ) algum lugar
c) Somebody ( B ) nada
d) Nowhere ( E ) Ninguém
e) Anyone ( D ) nenhum lugar
"Avaliação 2"
Escola Estadual “Dona Rita Amélia de Carvalho”
Avaliação de Língua Inglesa
Nome: __________________Nº: ____ Série: 3º __ Data: ______
1- Complete as frases com some ou no :
a) She bought some candies at the supermarket.
b) Did you eat some fruit at the lunch.
c) Are you going to buy some oranges for breakfast?
d) He isn’t visit ----relatives in Paris.
e) There isn’t ----- money at the bank.
2- Crie as perguntas para as respostas abaixo usando os derivados de some no:
a) Was there anybody at the party? No, there was nobody at the party.
b) Did you do something in this holiday? Yes, I did something in this holiday
c) Is she going somewhere? Yes, She is going somewhere today.
d) Is there something to eat? No, there is nothing to eat
e) Did you see anybody at school? No, I saw nobody at school.
3- Escreva as frases abaixo na forma interrogativa:
a) She wouldn’t travel to Miami. Would she travel to Miami?
b) They would like to eat some fruit. Would they like to eat some fruit?
c) I wouldn’t play cards with them. Would I play cards with them?
d) It wouldn’t rain in October. Would it rain in October?
e) You would go to the movies with Jane. Would you go to the movies with Jane?
No exercício 4 é resposta pessoal, mas segue os exemplos
4- De acordo com as instruções abaixo crie frases com os pronomes reflexivos:
a) Refletir They hurt themselves in an accident.
b) Enfatizar She herself mad a delicious cake.
c) Enfatizar He himself fixed the doorbell
d) Refletir I cut myself with a fork.
e) Sozinho ( a) We studied math by ourselves
5- Ligue as colunas abaixo:
a) No ( E ) usado quando se tem vária opções
b) Some ( C ) usado em frases negativas
c) Any ( A ) Usado em frases afirmativas com sentido negativo.
d) Which ( B ) usado em frases afirmativas
e) What ( D ) usado quando se tem duas opções
Obs: Na questão nº 1 houve uma pegadinha, pois o aluno deveria somente completar as frases com some ou no, as letras D e E estão na forma negativa, portanto teriam que completar com Any que o exercício não pedia. Então a resposta correta teria que ser um risco no espaço de completar.
Escola Estadual “Dona Rita Amélia de Carvalho”
Avaliação de Língua Inglesa
Nome: __________________Nº: ____ Série: 3º __ Data: _________
1- Identifique a função do pronome reflexivo:
a) I myself fix the door. Enfatizar
b) She went to the movies by herself. Sozinho
c) Mary herself cleaned the house. Enfatizar
d) They are going to hurt themselves. Refletir
e) It won’t take place by itself. Sozinho
2- Complete as frases com some, any :
a) She bought some candies at the supermarket.
b) Did you eat some/any fruit at the lunch?
c) Are you going to buy some/any oranges for breakfast?
d) He isn’t visit any relatives in Paris.
e) There isn’t any money at the bank.
3- Escreva as frases abaixo na forma afirmativa:
a) She wouldn’t travel to Miami. She would travel to Miami.
b) Would they like to eat some fruit? They would like to eat some fruit.
c) I wouldn’t play cards with them. I would play cards with them.
d) It wouldn’t rain in October. It would rain in October.
e) Would you go to the movies with Jane? You would go to the movies with Jane.
4- Responda as Questões abaixo usando os derivados de some no:
a) Was there anybody at the party? No, there was nobody at the party.
b) Did you do anything on the holiday? Yes, I did something on the holiday.
c) Are you going anywhere on vacation? Yes, I am going somewhere on vacation.
d) Are there anything to eat? No, there are nothig to eat.
e) Is Lucy doing anything right now? No, She is doing nothig right now.
5- Relacione as colunas :
a) Somewhere ( C ) alguém
b) Anything ( A ) algum lugar
c) Somebody ( B ) nada
d) Nowhere ( E ) Ninguém
e) Anyone ( D ) nenhum lugar
"Avaliação 2"
Escola Estadual “Dona Rita Amélia de Carvalho”
Avaliação de Língua Inglesa
Nome: __________________Nº: ____ Série: 3º __ Data: ______
1- Complete as frases com some ou no :
a) She bought some candies at the supermarket.
b) Did you eat some fruit at the lunch.
c) Are you going to buy some oranges for breakfast?
d) He isn’t visit ----relatives in Paris.
e) There isn’t ----- money at the bank.
2- Crie as perguntas para as respostas abaixo usando os derivados de some no:
a) Was there anybody at the party? No, there was nobody at the party.
b) Did you do something in this holiday? Yes, I did something in this holiday
c) Is she going somewhere? Yes, She is going somewhere today.
d) Is there something to eat? No, there is nothing to eat
e) Did you see anybody at school? No, I saw nobody at school.
3- Escreva as frases abaixo na forma interrogativa:
a) She wouldn’t travel to Miami. Would she travel to Miami?
b) They would like to eat some fruit. Would they like to eat some fruit?
c) I wouldn’t play cards with them. Would I play cards with them?
d) It wouldn’t rain in October. Would it rain in October?
e) You would go to the movies with Jane. Would you go to the movies with Jane?
No exercício 4 é resposta pessoal, mas segue os exemplos
4- De acordo com as instruções abaixo crie frases com os pronomes reflexivos:
a) Refletir They hurt themselves in an accident.
b) Enfatizar She herself mad a delicious cake.
c) Enfatizar He himself fixed the doorbell
d) Refletir I cut myself with a fork.
e) Sozinho ( a) We studied math by ourselves
5- Ligue as colunas abaixo:
a) No ( E ) usado quando se tem vária opções
b) Some ( C ) usado em frases negativas
c) Any ( A ) Usado em frases afirmativas com sentido negativo.
d) Which ( B ) usado em frases afirmativas
e) What ( D ) usado quando se tem duas opções
Obs: Na questão nº 1 houve uma pegadinha, pois o aluno deveria somente completar as frases com some ou no, as letras D e E estão na forma negativa, portanto teriam que completar com Any que o exercício não pedia. Então a resposta correta teria que ser um risco no espaço de completar.
segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009
Quiz game
1- Quem foi o Primeiro presidente dos Estados Unidos?
2- Onde está localizada a Estátua da Liberdade?
3- Qual estado fica o Grand Canyon?
4- Que estado é o mais rico em petróleo?
5- Em que estado fica a Casa Branca?
1- Quem foi o Primeiro presidente dos Estados Unidos?
2- Onde está localizada a Estátua da Liberdade?
3- Qual estado fica o Grand Canyon?
4- Que estado é o mais rico em petróleo?
5- Em que estado fica a Casa Branca?
Atividades de Gramática
1- Complete as frases abaixo com o verbo there to be na forma correta:
a) ______________ many boxes here.
b) ______________ a big mansion on my street.
c) ______________ five children in my family.
d) ______________ one pencil on the floor.
e) ______________ an elefant at the zoo.
2- Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) ( ) I isn’t a skier.
b) ( ) She is my best friend at school.
c) ( ) You am not my teacher.
d) ( ) They are divers?
e) ( ) It is’nt my dog.
3- Escreva os números na sua forma ordinal:
a) 58 th - ________________________________________
b) 1 st - _________________________________________
c) 100 th - ______________________________________
d) 74 th - _______________________________________
e) 2 nd - ________________________________________
4- Monte duas frases usando as palavras abaixo, a primeira na negativa e a segunda na afirmativa:
a) I / teacher / pilot _________________________________
b) They / divers / swimmers __________________________
c) We / tennis players/ soccer players ____________________
d) She / alpinist / boxer _____________________________
e) He / waterskier / alpinist ___________________________
5- Complete o texto abaixo com a forma correta do verbo to be ou there to be :
Lisa _____ a tennis player. She ______ a golf player. _________ many tennis players in Brazil because it ______ a commom game. __________ more soccer players in Brazil.
a) ______________ many boxes here.
b) ______________ a big mansion on my street.
c) ______________ five children in my family.
d) ______________ one pencil on the floor.
e) ______________ an elefant at the zoo.
2- Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) ( ) I isn’t a skier.
b) ( ) She is my best friend at school.
c) ( ) You am not my teacher.
d) ( ) They are divers?
e) ( ) It is’nt my dog.
3- Escreva os números na sua forma ordinal:
a) 58 th - ________________________________________
b) 1 st - _________________________________________
c) 100 th - ______________________________________
d) 74 th - _______________________________________
e) 2 nd - ________________________________________
4- Monte duas frases usando as palavras abaixo, a primeira na negativa e a segunda na afirmativa:
a) I / teacher / pilot _________________________________
b) They / divers / swimmers __________________________
c) We / tennis players/ soccer players ____________________
d) She / alpinist / boxer _____________________________
e) He / waterskier / alpinist ___________________________
5- Complete o texto abaixo com a forma correta do verbo to be ou there to be :
Lisa _____ a tennis player. She ______ a golf player. _________ many tennis players in Brazil because it ______ a commom game. __________ more soccer players in Brazil.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along the beach with the Lord, and he began to see scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and other the Lord.
He noticed that sometimes along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints, and that it happened exactly when he was having some kind of trouble.
This really bothered him and he asked the Lord about it, “Lord, why did you leave me when I needed you most? I can’t understand why you left me in times of trouble. Exactly when I needed you near me, you were not there”.
The Lord answered him, “My son, my precious child, I love you and I never left you. When you were in trouble, during the hard times of your life, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then I carried you”.
1- Sobre o que fala o texto?
2- Qualé o tema principal do texto?
3- Descreva o que aconteceu.
4- Qual a mensagem que você tirou do texto?
5- Relacione o texto com a atualidade.
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along the beach with the Lord, and he began to see scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and other the Lord.
He noticed that sometimes along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints, and that it happened exactly when he was having some kind of trouble.
This really bothered him and he asked the Lord about it, “Lord, why did you leave me when I needed you most? I can’t understand why you left me in times of trouble. Exactly when I needed you near me, you were not there”.
The Lord answered him, “My son, my precious child, I love you and I never left you. When you were in trouble, during the hard times of your life, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then I carried you”.
1- Sobre o que fala o texto?
2- Qualé o tema principal do texto?
3- Descreva o que aconteceu.
4- Qual a mensagem que você tirou do texto?
5- Relacione o texto com a atualidade.
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