sábado, 7 de maio de 2011


Após ver o video, leia este artigo:

Bullying is a universal issue that touches almost every person, family, school, business or community at one time or another regardless of age, gender, race, religion or socio-economic status. Bullying is not only a "school" issue, bullying is a broader community health and wellness issue. The effects of bullying can last a lifetime. Bullying also has economic costs associated with decreased productivity, lost man-hours, absenteeism, workplace aggression, harassment and intimidation.

Employees shouldn't be afraid to go to work. Parents shouldn't have to fear sending their children to school. Students shouldn't be afraid to go to school. School and workplace shootings should NEVER happen. Suicides can be prevented.

Did you realize that many teachers did not have a class, let alone a course about bullying when they were studying to become teachers at their University's Faculty of Education? Yet, bullying is often the number one non-academic issue that many educators face!!!

How can this be? ! It is like graduating class after class of health professionals who have no training in dealing with influenza. In this day and age it is unthinkable that we might see a nurse or doctor with the flu and have them not know how do help us, yet this is what has happened with the issue of bullying.

The good news is that prevention of bullying through education and awareness IS POSSIBLE and that all of us can play a role.
We need to understand the issue of bullying more deeply. We need to learn about what the world's best research is telling us. We need to be aware of practical approaches, policies, programs and resources that are effective.
1 De acordo com o texto, qual é a definição de bullying?
2 Traduza "The good news is that prevention of bullying through education and awareness IS POSSIBLE and that all of us can play a role." e explique a frase.
3 Quais são os meios de se acabar com o bullying?
4 Crie e desenhe 8 maneiras para eradicarmos o bullying.

Um comentário:

  1. Rodrigo, os exercicios estao excelentes, achei muito legal de sua parte trabalhar sobre este assunto, isso nos ajuda a informatizarmos sobre o bullying, só que ficou meio difícil achar 8 maneiras de acabar com o bullying, só consegui encontrar 4 maneiras, tais elas nao sei se estao corretas, (1º conscientizar, 2º denunciar, 3º informar(pregar a todos), 4º debater com os alunos; queria saber se você pode me ajudar?

    Alysson 1º ano B'
